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mim akter2003
31 gen 2022
In Discussioni generali
Therefore, it will influence the perception that employee contact list your public will have about it and your products or services in just a matter of seconds because, think about it, would a medical website whose corporate color is an intense yellow inspire you with confidence? Psychology vs Color Theory: Is It the Same? The answer is yes. When we talk about color psychology and color theory we are referring to the same employee contact list concept. Throughout history there have been different scientists and psychologists who have studied this employee contact list theory. But for practical purposes, what interests us here is knowing that color transmits emotions and conditions people's behavior. Let's see exactly what emotions are evoked by each of them. Applying color psychology to employee contact list your brand color psychology infographic In this infographic you can see that: 90% of decisions are made by visual perceptions. 80% agree that color increases brand recognition. 84.7% affirm that color is decisive for making a purchase. Therefore, as I said before, choosing the most suitable color for your brand can help you persuade your customers and generate more or less sales. Let's move on employee contact list to talk about the meaning of colors! Blue Blue conveys security, calm, honesty, strength, care, trust... It is the most used by brands. We can find it in: Banks and financial entities to provide confidence and security. Social employee contact list networks that want to intervene in the professional field. Cleaning companies in lighter shades to employee contact list inspire freshness. Red This color evokes emotions such as energy, love, excitement, action, audacity, passion... The sectors that use it the most are: Those related to products and services of love. Food marks, because it stimulates the appetite. Automotive employee contact list companies, games, beverages, sports... and many others that inspire action. It also serves to generate urgency and drive action. Therefore, they are used to announce sales or promotions. Orange Orange stands for employee contact list happiness, approachability, sociability, fun, creativity, and energy.

mim akter2003

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